Four Adventures: Parasailing, Snorkeling Cruise, Sharks & Rays in Natural Pools from Punta Cana


Parasailing in Punta Cana is an incredible adventure and one of the best things to do in Punta Cana. The coastline from 200 feet in the air, while you sail, is absolutely stunning.

​Parasailing is a simple and fun experience for all the members of the family. As the main parasailing and adventure company in the Dominican Republic, our Parasailing team is among the most experienced in Punta Cana, with more than 16 years of experience in flights. You can enjoy about 15 minutes of flight while enjoying the beautiful panoramic view.


እባክዎ ለጉብኝቱ ቀን ይምረጡ 

Available on backorder


ከፑንታ ቃና ሆቴሎች

Four Adventures: Parasailing, Snorkeling Cruise, Sharks & Rays in Natural Pools from Punta Cana

Note: This tour starts at different times between 7: 00 AM until 4: 00 Pm. Also, you are allowed to see Dolphin but not Swimming with Dolphins. Depending on where is the Pickup Hotels Time may Change. Extras cost for Pick up in Areas not listed in Our Description.

አጠቃላይ እይታ

Experience the thrill of four adventures in one with this epic tour from Punta Cana. Relax aboard a double-decker catamaran, discover wonders of the sea, and enjoy close encounters with marine life. You’ll snorkel in a spectacular barrier reef surrounded by tropical fish and experience the fun of an interactive marine show complete with sharks and stingrays. This popular tour option includes unlimited drinks on the best party boat around and is perfect for fun with family and friends. After you get a taste of life underwater, explore it from above with a thrilling parasail 500 feet above the surface of the water!

  • Choice of several departures throughout the day
  • For sea lovers
  • Enjoy fantastic aerial views
  • Family friendly
  • Pickup from a centrally located meeting point
  • Romantic experience, perfect for couples


ማካተት እና ማግለያዎች




  1. Parasaling Tour
  2. Snorkeling Cruise, Sharks & Rays in Natural Pools
  3. Bus pick up from Your Hotel
  4. ሁሉም ግብሮች፣ ክፍያዎች እና የአያያዝ ክፍያዎች
  5. የአካባቢ ግብሮች
  6. መጠጦች


  1. ስጦታዎች
  2. ምሳ


መነሳት እና መመለስ

ተጓዡ ከቦታ ማስያዝ ሂደት በኋላ የመሰብሰቢያ ነጥብ ያገኛል። በመሰብሰቢያ ነጥቦቻችን ውስጥ ጉብኝቶች ተጀምረው ይጠናቀቃሉ።


ምን ይጠበቃል?

Travel in air-conditioned comfort from your Punta Cana hotel to a beautiful double-decker catamaran and journey into the stunning beauty of Punta Cana with an expert crew. Tour the Bavaro Beach and snorkel through coral reefs and tropical fish under the supervision of professional divers.  Next, make your way to a marine park where you’ll have a close encounter with stingrays and docile sharks. Swim and snorkel surrounded by these giant creatures and gain deeper insight from your team of guides.

Then you’ll enjoy time at a refreshing natural pool where you’ll swim and relax with a cold beer in hand. Tuck into treats from a floating bar and listen in as a local DJ pumps beats in this incredible island setting.

Experience the excitement of the crystal clear waters in the ocean with games, drinks and entertainment.  Your tour concludes with an epic parasailing adventure from the Cortesito Beach. After a safety overview you’ll fly sky high above the stunning blue waters and take in incredible tropical views while you soar through paradise. You’ll be safely returned to shore before heading back to your hotel with your transport.

የጊዜ ሰሌዳ፡

7:00 AM – 4:00 PM… Time change depending on were in Punta Cana you are located. Contact us to set the time.


ምን ይዘው ይምጡ?

  • ካሜራ
  • የሚያጸድቁ እምቡጦች
  • የፀሐይ ክሬም
  • ኮፍያ
  • ምቹ ሱሪዎች
  • ለጫካ የእግር ጉዞ ጫማዎች
  • ወደ ባህር ዳርቻ ጫማ
  • የመዋኛ ልብስ
  • ለመታሰቢያ ዕቃዎች ጥሬ ገንዘብ


ሆቴል ማንሳት

ተጓዥ ማንሳት ቀርቧል!

በፑንታ ካና ካሉት ሆቴሎች እንመርጣለን
በአካባቢው ኮንዶ ውስጥ የምትኖሩ ከሆነ በኮንዶው ወይም በቅርብ ሪዞርት መግቢያ በር ላይ እንወስድሃለን።

ማስታወሻ: ከጉብኝቱ/የሽርሽር መነሻ ጊዜ በ24 ሰአታት ውስጥ ከተያዙ፣ የሆቴል ማንሳትን ልናዘጋጅ እንችላለን። አንዴ ግዢዎ እንደተጠናቀቀ፣ የመቀበያ ዝግጅቶችን ለማደራጀት ለአካባቢያችን የቱሪዝም መመሪያ የተሟላ የመገኛ አድራሻ (ስልክ ቁጥር፣ ኢሜይል አድራሻ፣ ወዘተ) እንልክልዎታለን።

ተጨማሪ መረጃ ማረጋገጫ

  1. ትኬቶች ይህንን ጉብኝት ከከፈሉ በኋላ ደረሰኝ ናቸው። ክፍያውን በስልክዎ ላይ ማሳየት ይችላሉ።
  2. የስብሰባ ነጥብ ከቦታ ማስያዝ ሂደት በኋላ ይቀበላል።
  3. ልጆች ከትልቅ ሰው ጋር መያያዝ አለባቸው.
  4. ተሽከርካሪ ወንበር ተደራሽ
  5. ጨቅላ ሕፃናት በእቅፍ ላይ መቀመጥ አለባቸው
  6. አብዛኞቹ ተጓዦች መሳተፍ ይችላሉ።

የስረዛ መመሪያ

ለሙሉ ተመላሽ ገንዘብ፣ ልምዱ ከሚጀምርበት ቀን ቢያንስ 24 ሰዓታት በፊት ይሰርዙ።


የቦታ ማስያዝ ጀብዱዎች

የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች እና ዜግነት ያላቸው የጉብኝት መመሪያዎች እና የእንግዳ አገልግሎቶች

የተያዙ ቦታዎች፡ ጉብኝቶች እና ሽርሽሮች በዶም. ሪፕ.


የቦታ ማስያዝ ጀብዱዎች

የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች እና ዜግነት ያላቸው የጉብኝት መመሪያዎች እና የእንግዳ አገልግሎቶች

የተያዙ ቦታዎች፡ ጉብኝቶች እና ሽርሽሮች በዶም. ሪፕ.

📞 ቴል/ዋትስአፕ  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

እኛ በዋትሳፕ የግል ጉብኝቶችን ማቀናበር እንችላለን፡- (+1) 829 318 9463.
